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Smile And Holiday

عائلة Smile & Holiday معك لإيجاد حلول دائمة لمشاكلك.

تقدم عيادتنا ، التي تأسست في موغلا في عام 2022 ، الخدمة في فتحية بأحدث الأساليب لصحة الفم والأسنان. وهي مجهزة بأحدث التقنيات ، مع مراعاة صحة وراحة المرضى المحليين والدوليين.

Shape Smile And Holiday
Smile And Holiday

تصميم الابتسامة الرقمي

تصميم الابتسامة الرقمي

يمكن أن تصنع الابتسامة الجميلة المعجزات في تعزيز الثقة بالنفس. إنه يخلق إحساسًا بجمال الذات ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع معرفة أن أسنانك مثالية.

عرض التفاصيل

Bleaching Teeth Whitening

Bleaching Teeth Whitening

To restore your flawless smiles and white, brilliant teeth, our skilled cosmetic dentists offer expert teeth whitening treatment in Smile&Holiday, Fethiye using procedures including laser teeth whitening and at-home teeth whitening. 

عرض التفاصيل

Composite Bonding

Composite Bonding

One of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures used to improve the overall appearance of your teeth in Smile & Holiday is composite bonding. Your chipped and gapped teeth can be fixed. As well as giving you a stunning straight appearance and a sparkling white smile, hide the discoloration on your teeth.

عرض التفاصيل

Invisaling Treatment

Invisaling Treatment

We provide Invisalign treatment in Smile&Holiday with special discount offers. Our highly experienced dentists can correct misaligned teeth such as overbite, underbite, crowded and gapped teeth with a set of removable and clear aligners. We have already delivered straighter teeth and improved smiles with the help of Invisalign braces. 

عرض التفاصيل

Implant Treatment

Implant Treatment

In order to restore your attractive smile by replacing your broken or missing teeth, we provide dental implants in Smile&Holiday, Fethiye. To restore your confident smile and enhance your oral health, we provide a pleasant restorative procedure. 

عرض التفاصيل

All On 4 - All On 6

All On 4 - All On 6

The All-on-4 dental implants are a more cost-effective effective dental solution that makes use of fewer dental implants in the jaw when compared to the traditional tooth replacement techniques.The all-on-4 dental implant is a registered trademark of Nobel Biocare. It is a teeth replacement technique that makes use of fewer dental implants than traditional replacement techniques.

عرض التفاصيل


سنوات الخبرة


Why choose Fethiye for dental travel? Well, there are many reasons why you should buy a ticket for the next flight to Fethiye. Fethiye are both very famous touristic and preferred places for a holiday.

The temperature in Fethiye is around 10-15 C° even in winter this is why many patients from all over the world choose mainly those two locations for both holiday and treatment purposes.

After your treatment, you can enjoy the Oludeniz Paragliding Trip or jeep safari to Saklikent Gorge in Fethiye. Or you can visit the ancient, ruined city of Aspendos or chill out on one of the beaches in Fethiye. So, it is only a ticket away to experience the most exciting treatment in Turkey.

Both Fethiye have luxury and modern hotels, professional dentists, modernly equipped clinics, and trained agent supervisors to host our guests in the best possible way.

عرض التفاصيل


Smile & Holiday

تحقق من ملفات شركاء

Smile And Holiday

كيف نعمل

Get In Touch
With Us Today!

You can contact us by whatsapp, phone and form.

Get Free Online Consultation

Our specialist doctors evaluate your photos and X-Rays.

Fly To

After your treatment plan, buy your flight ticket to Antalya or Fethiye and enjoy the journey.

Free Vip
Transfer Service

We provide VIP transfer service between airport, hotel and clinic.

Beginning Of Your Treatment

Now that you are at our clinic.


Enjoy an awesome holiday at Antalya or Fethiye.

التق بفريقنا

نحن هنا لنقدم لك أفضل خدمة مع أطبائنا الخبراء.

الشهادات - التوصيات

تعليقات المريض

1000+ مريض سعيد

Heike Schönbaum

I preferred Smile and Holiday for all on 4 treatment. The whole process went very smoothly. It was not a process as I feared. My doctor Ali was very understanding. Thank you for everything.

Heike Schönbaum
Implant Treatment
Brigitte Fruehauf

I had toothache for a long time. While there was no treatment in my holiday plan, I met Smile and Holiday dental clinic Fethiye. I took care of both my vacation and my treatment together. I am very happy. Moreover, it was a very economical treatment. Thank you so much. I recommend Fethiye and Smile and Holiday to all those who read this review.

Brigitte Fruehauf
Root Canal Treatment
Ruslan Sungurov

екомендую данную клинику. Мы лечили зубы у ребенка. Изначально дочка очень боялась лечить зубы, но после пары приемов врача этой клиники страх пропал. Детский стоматолог – очень компетентный специалист и знает как ладить с детьми.

Ruslan Sungurov
Pedodontic Treatment
Jennifer Maurer

I went to the Smile and Holiday dental clinic in Fethiye from England to be treated with my friend. For us, both treatment and vacation were amazing. We both got Hollywood smile done and it's perfect! And the view of Fethiye was just perfect too. Thank you for your friendship and professionalism.

Jennifer Maurer
Hollywood Smile
Aysel Köse

Highly recommended this place! High service quality! The building and the medical rooms are on newest high standards and the stuff is very great and welcoming! Specially Feride Hanım who made me smile again!

Aysel Köse
Crown Treatment
John Bell

The location and atmosphere of the clinic is really nice. The staff are very caring and professional. We are very pleased that we chose Smile and Holiday for implant and crown treatment with my friend. We had our treatment during the day and enjoyed Fethiye in the evenings. The sea, the weather and the nightlife were fascinating for us. Thanks to Smile and Holiday for this beautiful experience

John Bell
Implant Treatment
Dee Asoka

Thank GOD aku nemuin klinik ini di Fethiye Turki, buat benerin gigi implantku dan pasang zirconium crown, dan yang bikin happy selain tempatnya yang nyaman adalah dokternya ! Super ramah dr Mustafa.. Terimakasih dok..güle güle

Dee Asoka
Implant Treatment

مدونة الأخبار


ما هو تصميم الابتسامة؟

تصميم الابتسامة هو فرع من فروع جماليات طب الأسنان ويهدف إلى خلق ابتسامة جمالية مناسبة لوجه الشخص وبنية الأسنان. وهذا ينطوي على أكثر من مجرد تصحيح لون وشكل وحجم الأسنان. يتم أيضًا أخذ عوامل مثل موضع الأسنان وحالة الشفاه واللثة وملامح الوجه وحتى الطريقة التي يبتسم بها الشخص في الاعتبار.

اقرأ أكثر


ما هو العلاج التقويمي؟

تقويم الأسنان هو أحد فروع طب الأسنان الذي يتعامل مع تشخيص وعلاج والوقاية من اضطرابات الأسنان والفك.الهدف هو التأكد من أن الأسنان والفك يتطوران بشكل متناغم ويؤديان وظائفهما بشكل كامل. بالإضافة إلى كونه مصدر قلق جمالي، فإن هذا مهم أيضًا للمضغ والتحدث وصحة الفم العامة.

اقرأ أكثر