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Smile & Holiday Treatments

Dentures are detachable materials which are made to be worn by patients in place of their lost teeth. This will enable you to eat comfortably, speak with ease and improve the smile on your face. Dentures which can either be plastic or metallic are usually of two types which include;The complete denture which is made to provide total covering or replacement for the whole teeth that are lost in the upper or lower region of the mouth. The second type is the partial denture, which provides a covering for gaps caused by teeth that are no longer there. It is usually attached to your original teeth with metal braces.

You'll discover that speaking when you don't have teeth is really challenging. As a result, it's crucial to have a full denture to give you more comfort while eating and speaking. A full denture will prevent this from happening because there won't be any teeth left to support the face's muscles, which you'll also notice will drop. Your facial expression will consequently look better as a result of this. Whenever you have empty spaces caused by teeth that must have fallen, it is advisable to get a partial denture to cover this gap so that you don’t have a situation of an irregular dentition or a situation where the whole teeth get badly affected as a result of cracked teeth.

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