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E Max

E Max Crowns

Smile & Holiday Treatments

There are several techniques used to maintain healthy teeth and an attractive smile. The expert doctor chooses the procedures based on the patient's unique requests or on the type of tooth they are treating. The procedure of rounding out the tooth and covering it in Emax porcelain is known as an Emax crown. 

It is possible to use the crown as a single piece or as a substructure. It is also possible to utilize this technique for cosmetic reasons to hide incisors, canines, and premolars.

Emax porcelain is highly favored due to its incredibly high light transmittance and similarity to natural teeth, which can also be utilized to correct tooth inadequacies. By applying to the cosmetic dentist, the patient discovers whether the tooth structure is acceptable for a glass ceramic crown. If there are no issues, the tooth is cut, local anesthetic is applied, measurements are collected, and a temporary coating is put on. You can find out the best aesthetic crown treatment for you by getting in touch with us. Dental rehearsal follows the completion of the necessary procedures in the first session. Glass ceramic crowns are permanently affixed during the following appointment after the essential rehearsing, contacts, anatomical, biological, and functional integrity are examined. The patient receives an e-max crown-enhanced grin once this 7-9 day process is finished.

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