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Invisaling Treatment

Smile & Holiday Treatments

We provide Invisalign treatment in Smile&Holiday with special discount offers. Our highly experienced dentists can correct misaligned teeth such as overbite, underbite, crowded and gapped teeth with a set of removable and clear aligners.

 We have already delivered straighter teeth and improved smiles with the help of Invisalign braces. As Invisalign becomes very popular not only in Turkey, but also all over the world, it is the right time to restore your smile and regain lost confidence.

Invisalign is an orthodontic dental procedure that can be used for getting your teeth straightened and improving your smile. Earlier, metal brackets and wires had been the right option to solve the problem of misaligned teeth. Still, now Invisalign can shift teeth to their actual position with the series of custom made removable and clear aligners. These clear braces are virtually invisible and transparent.These invisible braces are made of a thermoplastic material to perform the Invisalign treatment. These clear braces are quite similar to the trays used for teeth whitening. There are a series of clear braces that are customised for you and used in sequence so that you can move teeth into proper alignment.

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