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Veneers Treatment

Smile & Holiday Treatments

Our reputed Smile & Holiday Dental Clinic can assist you if you're searching for dependable, trustworthy, and highly skilled veneers dentists in Turkey.If your teeth start to look bad, you might think about getting veneers in Turkey. The front of your teeth can have thin covers called veneers put to them. 

Your teeth can be straightened if they are crooked, uneven, chipped, discolored, gapped, or projecting. The one-stop for dental veneers that replicate the natural-looking appearance of teeth and enhance your entire appearance is Smile & Holiday.

• Longevity and strength– Veneers are made of sturdy material that ensures you can enjoy your favorite meals while wearing them. 
• Permanent solution– Dental veneers are meant to last for 10 to 15 years by maintaining good oral hygiene habits. 
• Improve your smile– Teeth impressions are then sent to the research center and veneers will be prepared carefully with your set of teeth. 
• Simple and quick procedure– The arrangement of dental veneers can be done within 3-4 dental visits. 
• Stain-resistant– Veneers are highly resistant to stain marks. You can maintain whiter and brighter teeth even when drinking tea, coffee and red wine. 
• Cosmetic benefits– Veneers can help to improve broken, chipped, stained, misaligned or broadly dispersed teeth. These are usually used for cosmetic reason and set on the front teeth and visible teeth. 
• Short time for recovery– After the process is done, you can leave the dental practice and carry on your daily exercises. 
• Boost confidence level– Your improved smile will make you feel confident about your overall appearance.

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